If she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary. 如果有机会重头来过,她会雇一个新闻秘书。
The door was open. They had done the place over. 门开着。他们早将此处洗劫一空。
We could get someone to do him over, couldn't we? 我们可以找个人把他痛打一顿,行吗?
Would you choose this field if you had it to do over again? •如果再来一次,你还会选择这个行业吗?
We've still got to get the House bill and the Senate bill to match up before it gets sent to my desk, so we got a little more work to do over the next couple of days. 在这个法案被送交到我的办公桌上之前,我们仍然要使众议院和参议院的法案版本得以协调,所以在今后几天的时间里,我们还有一些工作要做。
After using the DOM for a while, you'll see some patterns emerge& things you'll want to be able to do over and over. 在使用DOM一段时间后,您会看到形成了一些模式&您想要反复做的事情。
If all has gone well, the only thing left to do is make sure any cron tasks are in place and see how they do over the next several days. 如果所有测试成功地完成,最后需要确保所有cron任务已经就位,观察它们在后几天的表现。
Yes, certainly you can do it over here. 是的,在这里你也可以做。
Do not over expand if you have your own business. 要是你有自己的公司的话,不要过度壮大公司。
Its never too early ( or late) to consider what you want to do over the next few years and these spells of downtime give you a chance to think. 好好考虑你接下来的几年打算做什么永远都不会早(也不会晚),所以假期的这段时间正好给了你一个机会去思考。
As well as looking after the children, he does the shopping, cleaning and cooking, and tries to make sure that everything is done by Friday night so that his wife has no housework to do over the weekend. 除了照看孩子以外,他还购物、搞卫生和做饭,而且还努力争取在周五晚上前把所有家务都搞定,这样他的妻子就不用在周末干任何家务。
That puts laughter in the category of activities you want to do over and over again, such as eating chocolate or having sex. 在做那些喜爱做的事时,多巴胺使人笑由心生,而且乐于一次又一次地、重复地去做,例如,吃巧克力和做爱。
I went to the school board meeting and told them they do that over my dead body! 我在学校委员会的会议上对他们说,除非我死了,否则他们别想关闭我们的小学。
What do you generally do over the weekend? 那你们周末一般都干什么?
What is you do over here? 您到这里干什么事。
Does that mean he can't have a do over? 那就表示他不能重新来一次?
Let me actually do that over here because I don't want to make this too crowded. 我在那边写吧,我不想把这边弄得太挤。
You want me there? If I do go over, you're so dead. 你要我去那?你太突然了。
I was reluctant to do over the stitching in the dress. 我不愿意把衣服上的线脚拆了重缝。
If we could do it over again, we would definitely not choose this supplier to work with. 如果可以重来一次,我们绝对不会和此供应商合作。
If you had something special to do over that end-of-January weekend, you'll be returning to the workweek in a jovial mood. 如果你在一月底的周末有什么特殊的事情去做,你会在愉悦的心情中进入工作的一周。
If I had it to do over again, I'd do it so differently. 要是过去的事能够再重新来一遍。我会采取完全不同的做法。
If I want my students to learn to play scales, we do them over and over in class. 如果我想让学生学习演奏音阶,我们在班上一遍一遍地练习。
If you had to do it over again, yeah. 如果你必须重新来过,那么是的。
What would you like to change in your life if you can do all over again? 如果可以重新开始,你希望改变你生活中的哪些部分?
What are you going to do over the next holiday period? 下一个假期你准备做什么?
What does she usually do over the weekends ( on the weekends)? She sometimes goes to the movies, she hardly ever goes shopping. 她周末通常做什么?她有时候去看电影,她几乎不去购物。
"If we had it to do over again I think we would have gone faster" with Sam's Club, Wal-Mart international head Doug McMillon said at a conference in China this spring. “如果我们重新开展一遍业务,我想我们在山姆会员店业务会更有进展”,沃尔玛国际业务总裁董明伦在今春的中国公司会议上如是说。
It's just how they do it over here. 他们这都就这么做的。
This brings an opportunity for a slower and more measured approach and also a chance to back up and seize any second chances or opportunities for a do over. 给你机会较慢和更慎重地处理事情,同时也是一个获得支援的机会,并且可以抓住第二次机会做你想做的事情。